Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Post

To whomever may have found this blog,

Congratulations. You've found my blog. I'm not entirely sure what you were doing to find it, but there's a good chance you have too much time on your hands. I'm actually not entirely sure how to get to this blog, and I have no idea who can access it. Anyway, you, lucky internet stumbler, have found my blog about art and culture. To be more specific, you have found my blog about my opinion of art and culture. Now, I'm sure some of you out there are hanging on the edge of your seat eagerly anticipating my take on all the art and whatnot that I am exposed to, but I implore: be patient. The posts will come as I see new movies, hear new music, and go out into St. Louis, the town in which I live and am going to college. Also, I may just make a few road trips and blog about that too. I'm interested to see where this blog goes and takes me, however, there is a good chance it will not be read and will take me nowhere. So, hold on tight readers. This is going to be fun.

Don't hold your breath,


Post Scriptum: If you have something you'd like to tell me, comment away

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